Tourism Portal
Welcome to the Tourism Portal, intended primarily for those involved in tourism professionally or who are interested in its development in our capital city. The portal publishes important information and current initiatives in this sphere.
The City of Prague is the largest and most important urban heritage reserve in the Czech Republic. Prague's historic core has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1992. Thanks to the city's cultural and historical qualities, it has long been the country's most heavily visited city, especially by foreign tourists.
The city puts a considerable amount of effort into promoting Prague abroad and strengthening its position in the field of tourism among the major cities of Central and Eastern Europe. The fundamental pillars of the inbound tourism concept have however changed. Prague has not escaped the phenomenon known as overtourism afflicting top tourist locations across Europe and the world. Although the COVID-19 pandemic put the brakes on this negative trend, it is now current once again. For this reason, the city wants to focus on supporting sustainable forms of inbound tourism, motivating visitors to stay longer or come back repeatedly, spreading tourists into places outside the historic centre and periods outside the main tourist season, as well as further boosting domestic tourism. In the spirit of the new concept, the city supports major congress events, which raise the city’s prestige on a global level, and events that take place outside the historic centre and outside the main tourist season. Another important priority is to align the interests of tourism stakeholders with those of local residents, and to generally cultivate the environment in this area, including educating inbound tourists on the expected culture of behaviour. The current inbound tourism strategy, entitled “With Respect for Prague” is available here (only in cech).
After the coronavirus pandemic subsided, tourism was one of the areas where the city had to pick up the pieces. According to statistical data, however, in many respects it is now already back at the level of 2019, the last “pre-COVID” year.
The city works closely with the destination company Prague City Tourism, a.s., which, in addition to marketing the city in the field of inbound tourism, also provides information about the city for both residents and visitors, as well as many other services. On its website, you can find everything a domestic or foreign tourist needs for their stay in Prague and its surroundings, including accommodation, food and cultural programme options, plus information on tourism and the organisation’s activities for the professional and general public.
The tourism website publishes broad information on the city’s activities in the field of inbound tourism as well as other relevant data concerning this area.