Smíchovská synagoga čp. 290

Address:Synagogue čp. 290
Stroupežnického 32
Prague 5



Židovská obec v Praze
Maiselova 18, č.p.250
Praha 1
110 01


Description of building:

The building is an immovable cultural site, recorded in the Central register of cultural sites under R.č.Ú.s. 1-2127 and is in the heritage site zone Smíchov, declared by HMP decree no. 10/1993 Coll., on declaration of part of the territory of the capital city Prague as a heritage site zone and on determination of conditions for its protection.


This synagogue, founded in 1863, that is 140 years ago, was built in a combination of a neo-Romanesque and pseudo-maurist style. As time went by, it underwent several structural modifications. In 1930 a transformation took place according to the design of the architect Leopold Ehrmann, and there was an extension of a synagogue into its current original functionalist form. A modern research centre was newly built as an addition to the building.


Within the renovation there were designs approved for the following restoration and renovation works:

1.    restoration of exterior pargeting

2.    restoration of entrance doors to the synagogue, windows

3.    restoration of internal decorations

4.    additional building of research centre

5.    design of fencing and garden renovation of the yard


Success from the viewpoint of heritage site care:

From the viewpoint of heritage site care the most complicated part of the restoration of the synagogue was the restoration of its facade. At the beginning it was essential to clean it up and the complete the missing parts with suitable material, which was determined on the basis of laboratory restoration research. In conclusion the facade was made water-resistant. Part of the restoration of the external appearance of the building was also the discovery and presentation of a circular window on the eastern side of the facade. In the building of the main aisle of the synagogue, wall paintings preserved in fragments and sanctuary were restored. The grisaille glass windows of the synagogue were also renovated.

29. března 2005
29. března 2005