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Celkem záznamů: 24690
British singer Jade Bird presents self-titled debut album in Prague

29.2.2020 — British musician Jade Bird will play her style of American folk music at NoD Roxy club in Prague on the 2nd of March. This will be her first performance in the Czech Republic. British singer-songwriter Jade Elizabeth Bird is rapidly becoming one of the most interesting young, female voices in music. She has distinctive vocals and strong melodies, and brilliantly interprets American folk for European ears.

Judith Hill introduces her new album at Jazz Dock

31.10.2019 — Judith Hill is an American singer who is gaining more and more popularity. She will visit Prague on the 1st of November as part of her European tour. She will present her latest album as one of the stars of JAZZ ON5 festival in Jazz Dock.

Činoherní klub - 40 let od jeho založení, článek radního hl.m.Prahy RNDr.Igora Němce uveřejněný v Listech hl.m.Prahy dne 7.února 2005.

8.2.2005 — Všichni to známe. Sejdou se kamarádi. Po letech vzpomínají, dají k lepšímu fór a zase... snad někdy. V roce 1965 to bylo trochu jinak, i když to začalo úplně stejně. Zase se sešli kamarádi, kteří se tentokrát nerozešli, ale založili divadlo.