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The world's biggest Romani festival is here
24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.
Signal Festival illuminates Prague
10.10.2019 — From the 10th to the 13th of October, 18 light installations - 9 from Czech and 9 from aboard - will be displayed as part of the 7th Signal Festival. Discover the routes of these installations leading through 'Malá Strana' (the Lesser Town), 'Staré Město' (the Old Town) and Karlín.
The world's biggest Romani festival is here
24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.
Praha se i letos představí na veletrhu MIPIM
5.3.2013 — Hlavní město se chystá na prestižní evropský veletrh nemovitostí a investičních příležitostí MIPIM 2013, který proběhne od 12. do 15. března ve francouzském Cannes. Investorům nabídne projekty Průmyslového paláce a Holešovické tržnice.
Pražský inovační institut posílil Tomáš Lapáček. Bude řídit klíčový inovační projekt
4.1.2021 — Vedení Pražského inovačního institutu (Pii) rozšířil od 1. ledna 2021 Tomáš Lapáček. Bude řídit klíčový projekt na podporu výzkumu, podnikání a inovací v metropoli - Prague Smart Accelerator II (PSA). Jeho úkolem bude mimo jiné vybudovat Regionální inovační značku Prahy a zlepšit spolupráci výzkumu a podniků v hlavním městě. Osmatřicetiletý Lapáček do Pii přišel z Institutu plánování a rozvoje hl. m. Prahy (IPR), kde téměř čtyři roky působil jako ředitel sekce strategií a politik.
Organ players from all around the world are heading to Basilica of St. James the Greater
26.8.2019 — The largest organ in Prague is in the Basilica of St. James the Greater ('Bazilika svatého Jakuba Většího'). This church will be filled with the beautiful sounds of this great instrument during the 24th International Organ Festival.
Prague will host international pole vault hall meeting
30.1.2019 — One of the most attractive athletic disciplines - the pole vault - will be presented at the international hall meeting Zimní Pražská tyčka on the 9th of February in Strahov. Zimní Pražská tyčka has been held yearly since 1996 and is a sister competition to the international athletics meeting Pražská tyčka. Of course, the best Czech athletes always take part in both meetings.
Festival Contempuls 11.-25. listopadu 2016
17.10.2016 —
Přehled akcí pod záštitou radních 2014
26.7.2010 —
Volunteers help families with children with special needs
10.4.2020 — The number of volunteers who have registered at the Czech Red Cross tents in Mariánské Square continues to increase. A total of 3,164 volunteers had registered by the 8th of April. Prague is now able to expand its offer of help to families who have children with special needs. As services for them are now limited and special schools are closed, the situation is more challenging than before.
Newly updated mobile application PID Lítačka makes travelling easier
9.12.2019 — Passengers in Prague and in the Central Bohemian Region can now travel using just their mobile phone within Prague Integrated Transport, thanks to the new update of PID Lítačka mobile application, which was released on trial operation since Monday, the 2nd of December 2019. This application now allows passengers to convert their purchased long-term coupons and download them to the mobile application.
Radní Hana Halová předala ceny vítězům
13.4.2004 — Radní hl. m. Prahy Mgr. Hana Halová včera ve sportovní hale Sparty společně s ředitelem turnaje Ing. Jaroslavem Chvalným předala poháry a ceny vítězům 13.ročníku mezinárodního halového turnaje Prague Handball Cup