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10.4.2014 — Nový projekt Letních slavností staré hudby, přesvědčí děti i dospělé, že stará hudba nepatří do starého železa!

Stories of Sculptures II: Jeroným Kohl and Contemporaries

15.12.2019 — You will have the opportunity to attend an interesting lecture in the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, the educational centre of the Prague City Gallery, on the 17th of December. This time, the gallery has prepared a lecture on the famous Baroque sculptor Jerome Kohl and his works, as part of their lecture series Stories of Sculptures.

Tourism Portal

8.6.2012 —

Garden through your eyes

10.2.2020 — The northern part of Prague Botanical Garden has recently been adorned with twelve large-format photographs. These are award-winning shots from the 'Zahrada vašima očima' ('Garden through Your Eyes') competition.

Develop your creativity in the Troja Château art workshop

30.7.2020 — Prague City Gallery's Eco-Studio in the Troja Château Orangery is offering summer art workshops to the public that will run during July and August. The eco-studio is an ideal place for art-lovers and creative people to develop their skills and reflect on fine art in the beautiful surroundings of one of Prague's most sought-after tourist attractions. The full-day art workshops, which take place throughout the summer holidays, offer meaningful leisure activities in the form of creative work.

Celebrate the joy of Christmas with the Bruncvík Boys’ Choir

10.12.2019 — Leave the hustle and bustle of Christmas behind you and enjoy the wonderful sounds of the Bruncvík choir. The ensemble's rich repertoire and high-quality performances will definitely surprise you. Their concerts will take place on the 11th of December at Wenceslas Square and on the 15th of December in Hlahol on the Masaryk Embankment in Prague.

Collegium 1704 oslaví 10 let Bachovou Mší h moll v Praze a v Salzburku

17.3.2015 — Collegium 1704 slaví své letošní 10. výročí ve velkém stylu. Na dvou koncertech v pražském Rudolfinu, 30. a 31. března, provede velkolepou Mši h moll Johanna Sebastiana Bacha, která je úzce svázána s historií souboru. Nahrávka tohoto díla v podání Collegia 1704 pod vedením Václava Lukse uhranula kritiky od BBC po Austrálii, v létě se Mší h moll Collegium 1704 vystoupí na samotných Salzburger Festspiele.


23.3.2007 — Pozvánka na koncert v Paláci Akropolis - 14.4.2007 v 19:30