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Celkem záznamů: 63748

30.4.2019 — Datum vydání: 30.04.2019, Zdroj: TTG Czech | Rubrika: regiony | Autor: Naďa Rybárová, Téma: Hana Třeštíková

Granty na kulturu

14.1.2022 — 14. 1. 2022, Rozhlas, ČRo Plus, Český rozhlas, Hana Třeštíková

Procedures for homeless people this winter

30.11.2019 — Actions to help homeless people survive the freezing weather are starting to take place in Prague this winter. Unlike in previous years, the city is allowing people with dogs to stay warm at night, whereas they were previously refused in dormitories. There are also more facilities available for those with health issues. The municipal police are taking part in the winter measures along with the social services.

Prevence pražské Záchranky

14.9.2010 — Poskytnutí první pomoci by mělo patřit k základním znalostem každého občana. O životě člověka často rozhodují vteřiny, takže i když pražská Záchranka je na dojezdu v průměru do osmi minut, pomoc na místě je nutná.


27.5.2005 —

Kde nakoupit potraviny nebo se najíst?

16.6.2008 — Prodejen a restaurací je v hlavním městě nespočet. Přesto je někdy nutné vyhledat i specializované obchody, které nabízejí potraviny potřebné pro diabetiky. Přinášíme alespoň stručný přehled. Věříme, že časem bude takovýchto podniků a služeb přibývat.

Representative of Czech slapstick Michael Rittstein exhibits at Prague Castle

30.11.2019 — Michael Rittstein, an artist who uses bold colours and large formats, is celebrating his 70th birthday. A selection of his work was collected in the Prague Castle Riding School for the occasion. The exhibition 'In Waves' can only be seen until the 5th of January 2020.

Prague Castle hosts an art exhibition from the era of Wenceslas IV of Bohemia

19.9.2019 — An exhibition dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the birth of the Czech king Wenceslas IV (Václav IV.) is on in the Imperial Stables of Prague Castle until the 3rd of November. It will display the era of his rule, as well as Gothic art and architecture from around 1400 AD.

Traffic restrictions due to construction work for the bridge in Bubenská street.

4.2.2019 — At the beginning of February, construction work will commence on the bridge in Bubenská street, near the Vltavská metro station. The investor, Prague Technical Road Administration (Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy, a.s.), expects the work to take approximately one month. Some traffic restrictions will be in place.