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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 34219
Golf Yacht Prague
28.12.2010 — Driving range na Rohanském ostrově (společně s Golf Club Marina Praha), hra z rohoží i trávy, 50 odpališť z toho 10 zastřešených, 6 target greenů, putting green, chipping green, občerstvení; tři indoorové golfové trenažéry.
Komentovaná procházka po Bubenči
26.6.2018 — Další z cyklu komentovaných procházek, které pořádá radnice městské části, se koná ve středu 27. června.
Seventh Science Festival will take place in Dejvice
3.9.2019 — The theme of Science Festival 2019 is science in professions. Science Festival ('Festival vědy' in Czech) is a joint project by universities, academic and leisure institutions. It will take place on the 4th of September this year.
Open-air concert on Hradčanské Square: one of Czech Philharmonic’s biggest events
18.6.2019 — On the 19th of June, Czech Philharmonic's open-air concert will take place in the breath-taking atmosphere of Prague's Hradčanské Square. The concert is one of the most attractive events of the music season.
New entrance to the Botanical Garden in Troja
19.10.2020 — A barrier-free entrance to Prague Botanical Garden was opened in the southern part of St. Claire's Vineyard at the end of September. The garden had been planning to build a new entrance for several years, and their waiting has finally paid off. From now on, visitors can comfortably enter St. Claire's Vineyard directly from Trojská Street, at the intersection between the vineyard walls and Troja Château, where the Kovárna bus stop is conveniently situated.
Pražský Mattoni Grand Prix přiláká do města stovky turistů
10.9.2003 — Již po sedmé se v Praze poběží za necelé dva týdny Mattoni Grand Prix - Prague International Marathon. Hlavní město je opět jedním z hlavních partnerů pořadatelů akce. Sportovní událost by měla podle očekávání představitelů magistrátu metropoli přinést nejen prestiž, ale také finanční prospěch.
Ocenění IAAF Road Race Gold Label převzal i primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém
16.12.2009 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém včera odpoledne převzal z rukou Carla Capalba, předsedy organizačního výboru společnosti Prague International Marathon, repliku prestižního ocenění IAAF Road Race Gold Label, které bylo nedávno uděleno závodu Hervis 1/2Maraton Praha. Carl Capalbo tak poděkoval primátorovi hl. m. Prahy za pomoc při pořádání závodu.
I. čtvrtletí
11.8.2014 — Počet evidovaných hostů v pražských hromadných ubytovacích zařízeních se meziročně opět zvýšil
Nejnovější statistiky
11.8.2014 — Český statistický úřad zveřejnil předběžné statistické údaje cestovního ruchu za 1. čtvrtletí 2015
I. čtvrtletí
9.4.2019 —
II. čtvrtletí
9.4.2019 —
Experience a traditional Christmas atmosphere in Prague Botanical Garden
10.12.2019 — The Botanical Garden's greenhouse in the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague offers you a unique opportunity to discover the history of Christmas in all its glory. You can go back to our ancestors' times to see how they decorated their Christmas trees and how they made nativity scenes. You will also be able to create your own Christmas ornaments and decorations in the workshop.
Garden through your eyes
10.2.2020 — The northern part of Prague Botanical Garden has recently been adorned with twelve large-format photographs. These are award-winning shots from the 'Zahrada vašima očima' ('Garden through Your Eyes') competition.
One hundred important personalities have planted trees on the trail in the Botanical Garden
31.12.2019 — For the past ten years, Prague Botanical Garden has been running a unique project called 'Kořeny osobností' (Roots of Personalities), where important public figures plant a rare tree on 'Stezka osobností' (Trail of Personalities). The hundredth tree has recently been planted.
Polish film festival in Bio Oko cinema in Prague
20.11.2019 — From the 21st to the 24th of November, Bio Oko cinema in Letná in Prague will be a meeting place for lovers of Polish cinema. The 'Bardzo fajný' festival will not only offer new Polish movies, but also literary discussions, and food tasting of Polish delicacies.
This year's La Película festival focuses on Cuba
14.2.2020 — On the 18th of February, the La Película festival will start in Prague's Světozor Cinema. For six days viewers will have the opportunity to delve into Spanish and Latin American films. This year, the festival will focus also on Cuban history.
Prague – Velká Chuchle Racecourse hosts ladies’ charity polo tournament
20.8.2019 — A racing afternoon in Prague - Velká Chuchle Racecourse is one of the many weekend activities on in the Czech capital. Now, you can see not only racing, but also show jumping. And between the 23rd and 25th of August, you can come to watch ladies' polo.
Celebrate the joy of Christmas with the Bruncvík Boys’ Choir
10.12.2019 — Leave the hustle and bustle of Christmas behind you and enjoy the wonderful sounds of the Bruncvík choir. The ensemble's rich repertoire and high-quality performances will definitely surprise you. Their concerts will take place on the 11th of December at Wenceslas Square and on the 15th of December in Hlahol on the Masaryk Embankment in Prague.