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Celkem záznamů: 60367
Representative of Czech slapstick Michael Rittstein exhibits at Prague Castle

30.11.2019 — Michael Rittstein, an artist who uses bold colours and large formats, is celebrating his 70th birthday. A selection of his work was collected in the Prague Castle Riding School for the occasion. The exhibition 'In Waves' can only be seen until the 5th of January 2020.

Traffic restrictions due to construction work for the bridge in Bubenská street.

4.2.2019 — At the beginning of February, construction work will commence on the bridge in Bubenská street, near the Vltavská metro station. The investor, Prague Technical Road Administration (Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy, a.s.), expects the work to take approximately one month. Some traffic restrictions will be in place.

Pražští radní projednali a odsouhlasili návrh rozpočtu hl. m. Prahy na rok 2025

25.11.2024 — Hlavní město má v příštím roce hospodařit v rámci rozpočtu s objemem příjmů ve výši 110,92 miliardy korun a s objemem výdajů ve výši 113,48 miliardy korun.


2.12.2021 —