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Celkem záznamů: 53830
Oprava tramvajové trati Smíchovské nádraží – Sídliště Barrandov

12.3.2020 — Tuto sobotu začne Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy (DPP) jednu z nejrozsáhlejších investičních akcí letošního roku: sérii oprav a rekonstrukcí tramvajové tratě Smíchovské nádraží - Sídliště Barrandov. Kromě toho DPP u Lihovaru založí odbočku k plánovanému Dvoreckému mostu a na Barrandově vybuduje napojení nové tratě do Holyně a Slivence.

Prague launches a campaign informing tourists of the rules in the city at night

30.7.2019 — From the end of September, a campaign is taking place in the streets of Prague that will focus on the rules and regulations tourists need to follow in the Czech capital. The campaign is organised by Prague City Tourism in cooperation with the Night Mayor Jan Štern. It will focus on the behaviour of tourists in the most problematic parts of the town. Next year, it will be followed up by a long-term campaign that will specifically target tourists, thanks to the results of the STEM / MARK agency's survey on the behaviour of tourists in Prague at night.

Filmasia Festival to be filled with Hong Kong action movies

4.12.2019 — From the 5th to the 8th of December, Lucerna and Ponrepo cinemas in Prague will offer audiences a large selection of Asian action films full of martial arts during the new annual Filmasia festival. The festival is entering its fifteenth season this year. It has brought great Asian films to Prague since 2005.