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Praha navrhne zákon zmírňující pokles příjmů krajů

2.7.2020 — Datum vydání: 02.07.2020, Zdroj: TV Praha | Rubrika: 18:00 Zprávy z Prahy | Téma: Hana Kordová Marvanová

Petra Kolínská: Centrum Prahy jen pro někoho?

28.11.2017 — Zdroj: blog.aktualne.cz | Kategorie: Blogy Vydavatel: ECONOMIA, a.s. Autor: Petra Kolínská Rubrika: Weblog 28. listopadu 2017, 12:28

‘Thank You Czech Technicians’ for fighting the virus

29.6.2020 — 'Thank you Czech technicians' is an exhibition in the National Technical Museum, which expresses their gratitude to Czechs technicians for their help during the coronavirus pandemic. The exhibition will be open in the museum building in Letná until the 30th of September.

Prague will host wind orchestras from all over Europe

12.2.2019 — On the 15th and 16th of February 2019, the 21st annual of 'The International Festival of Wind Orchestras Prague' will take place in our capital.