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Pražský primátor zahájil festival módy

7.11.2005 — V rezidenci primátora hlavního města byl včera večer otevřen 7. ročník Prague Fashion Week. Módní přehlídku slavnostně zahájil primátor Pavel Bém, který nad touto akcí převzal i záštitu. Nové kolekce zde představilo devět předních českých návrhářek. Ukázky úspěšných módních návrhářů z domova i ze světa můžete vidět do 14. listopadu v pražském Mánesu

Discover Stone Treasures from Prague Gardens in Troja Château

17.7.2020 — Prague City Gallery comes back to life with exhibitions, various programmes and other events. Yet another interesting exhibition will take place in one of the most beautiful Baroque buildings, Troja Château. The 'Stone Treasures from Prague Gardens' exhibition will be open to visitors until the 1st of November.

The Map of Accessibility helps ZTP card holders with special needs to find parking

24.2.2019 — The Map of Accessibility has been making life easier not only for people with reduced mobility but also for seniors and parents with prams since 2016. Currently, detailed and regularly updated information on barrier-free accessibility for more than 1 100 buildings and public spaces in the City of Prague can be found on the map.

Flood control measures

27.6.2007 — Information on the construction of flood protection system of the City of Prague (text based on the chapter Flood control measures published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006)

News Impact Summit Prague

11.10.2016 — Dne 14. října 2016 se na pražském Andělu v hotelu Vienna House uskuteční summit s názvem News Impact Summit Prague. Na něm se odborníci přes žurnalistiku pokusí vysvětlit vše, co vše skrývá moderní stránka tohoto oboru.

Gallery Weekend Prague draws attention to exciting art for the third year in a row

25.4.2019 — From the 26th to the 28th April 2019, nineteen galleries will take part in the third annual Gallery Weekend Prague.

Prague celebrates St. Patrick's Feast Day in style

16.3.2019 — Prague is preparing for greater St. Patrick's Day celebrations than ever before. The main attraction will be the festive parade on Sunday the 17th of March, which begins and ends in Campus Hybernská, where the other main celebrations will be held. According to the legend, Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, converted the people of Ireland to Christianity in the fifth century.

Commemorate the First Defenestration of Prague

26.7.2019 — New Town Hall (Novoměstská radnice) and the Municipal District Prague 2 have prepared an interesting programme for the anniversary of the First Defenestration of Prague, from the 27th to the 31st of July. You can take part in guided tours, an open-air cinema in the New Town Hall courtyard and other events in Charles Square (Karlovo náměstí).

Zápis z komise Rady HMP - redakční rada

22.10.2003 — ze dne 17.10.2003

Prague Zoo to build new Arctic pavilion

22.10.2020 — Prague Zoo has been breeding polar bears since 1932, and they have had several significant breeding successes since then. However, taking care of them is very difficult and the 80-year-old pavilion is no longer suitable, so Prague Zoo is going to build a new Arctic pavilion.

World Wildlife Day in Prague Zoo

6.3.2020 — World Wildlife Day will be celebrated in Prague Zoo in Troja on Saturday the 7th of March. Although World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March, Prague Zoo is celebrating on the closest Saturday - the 7th of March. World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March because an important CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) meeting of representatives from 80 countries was held in the US on the 3rd of March 1973.

Bike Prague se pojede 13. června. Registrace odstartovaly

9.3.2015 — Už 13. června 2015 se pojede čtvrtý ročník závodu Bike Prague! Registrace právě odstartovaly, takže neváhej a přihlas se už teď. Když to stihneš do 10. března, můžeš navíc vyhrát poukázky do Intersportu za 2 000 Kč.

Praha bude podporovat pražský mezinárodní maraton i v dalších letech

28.8.2014 — Hlavní město bude dalších pět let podporovat konání Prague International Maraton (PIM) na svém území. Radní Lukáš Manhart a prezident PIM Carlo Capalbo dnes podepsali dodatek, který prodlužuje platnost dřívější dohody o spolupráci až do konce roku 2019. Dodatek k dohodě schválila tento měsíc Rada hl. m. Prahy.

Traffic measures on the Malešická Street

23.2.2020 — From the 24th of February to the end of July 2020, Malešická Street in Prague 10 will be closed to public and private transport between the intersection with K Červenému dvoru Street and the intersection with Olgy Havlové Street due to major reconstructions in this section.

Febiofest cancellation

13.3.2020 — The International Film Festival Prague, Febiofest 2020, which was to be held in Prague from the 19th to the 27th of March, is cancelled due to the emergency measures in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Drinking water supply through the public water supply system

27.6.2007 — Tthe text is based on the chapter Drinking water supply through the public water supply system published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006.

Festival Prague Pride

2.8.2021 — 2. 8. 2021, Rozhlas, Radio City, Hana Třeštíková

Guided tours of the Gardens below Prague Castle

25.9.2020 — The romantic setting of the Gardens below Prague Castle offers a unique opportunity to relax and regain positive energy. On the 26th and 27th of September, visitors can also avail of the offer of guided tours.

Sail on a historic boat on the Vltava River

30.7.2020 — The residents of Prague will have the opportunity to sail down the Vltava River in a replica of a traditional boat called a 'šíf'. It is a large wooden boat, similar to a barge, which has been used to transport cargo including stones, sand, salt, grain and beer for centuries. This particular 'šíf' was built two years ago with support from Vltavan Čechy, a union which connects Vltava River associations from Prague, Davle, Štěchovice and Purkarec.

V Rudolfinu se bude tančit v rytmu Leoše Janáčka na koncertech pro děti PKF – Prague Philharmonia

26.2.2015 — Zatancuj si s Leošem! Již sám název naznačuje atmosféru dalších edukativních koncertů PKF – Prague Philharmonia, které v sobotu 14. března seznámí nejmenší posluchače se slavnými melodiemi přední české skladatelské osobnosti Leoše Janáčka.

European Mobility Week

16.9.2020 — European Mobility Week 2020 will start in Prague on Wednesday the 16th of September. The event, which offers numerous events focusing on active and more environmentally friendly modes of transportation, will take place

Old Town Hall to open on Monday with 50% admission discount

10.5.2020 — The Old Town Hall will reopen after two months, at 11am on Monday the 11th of May. There will be a 50% discount on admission and guided tours will be available by appointment from the 25th of May.

Prague City Hall to resume operation with increased health and safety requirements

20.4.2020 — According to the Czech Ministry of Health, regular public office hours can resume in Prague City Hall on Monday, the 20th of April. Strict health and safety requirements will be in place during City Hall's office hours, but electronic communication is still recommended whenever possible.

TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: International Jazz festival Prague 2005

13.3.2006 — Ukončení 24. ročníku International Jazz Festival Prague 2005

Waste management in Prague - introduction

23.6.2005 — úvodní text k rubrice s praktickými informacemi pro cizince s dlouhodobým pobytem v Praze

25th International Organ Festival

6.8.2020 — The 25th International Organ Festival will take place from the 6th of August to the 24th of September in the Basilica of St. James the Greater in Prague's Old Town. Festival goers will have the opportunity to enjoy solo organ recitals by leading Czech and international organists.

Railway Transport

21.6.2008 — Prague is one of the most important hubs of railway transport in the Czech Republic for long-distance journeys and for suburban transport. Recent investments in this ecological means of transport aim to enhance its influence within the city and suburban public transport.

Dear Praguers,

8.2.2013 — Take full advantage of the winter months and enjoy sports in our city – go skiing, ice-skating or swimming in the new Šutka Aquacentre.

‘Animal Days’ in Prague Zoo

15.1.2020 — The year 2020 in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to the 'Animal Days' project. The zoo will focus on a different species every month. January is for zebras!

Prague Planetarium offers new adventure for explorers of all ages

11.7.2020 — When making your plans for the summer, be sure to include Prague Planetarium on your schedule. You will be able to enjoy new shows and see the stars, as well as virtually visit the surface of Venus, among other places. Prague Planetarium is one of the largest planetariums in the world, and the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic. The main hall, Cosmorama, is 23.5 metres wide and its dome reaches a height of 15 metres, and it seats 210 spectators.

Pražští filharmonici jednají s vedením metropole

6.8.2019 — Datum vydání: 06.08.2019, Zdroj: TV Praha | Téma: Zdeněk Hřib


19.6.2014 —

Prague Spring 2018

7.5.2018 — In 2018, Prague Spring will offer about 50 concerts that will excite lovers of the big orchestral sound, admirers of chamber music, contemporary music fans, and those who enjoy following the latest trends in the informed interpretation of the music of past eras. The festival takes place from 12 May to 3 June.

Management of hazardous substances

21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Management of hazardous substances published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006

Vltavské ostrovy plné zábavy

2.6.2005 — Velmi pestré spektrum více než šedesáti interpretů reprezentujících bezpočet hudebních stylů, zemí, kultur i generací nabízí festival United Islands of Prague 2005, který proběhne o tomto víkendu na pražských ostrovech pod záštitou primátora hl. města Prahy Pavla Béma. V krásném prostředí ostrovů na Vltavě budou mít návštěvníci možnost příjemně strávit celý den a kromě nepřeberného množství hudby si užít také bohatého doprovodného programu.

Staroměstská radnice má zrekonstruované přízemí a nový turistický provoz

5.9.2023 — Hlavní město společně s Prague City Tourism otevřelo zrekonstruovanou spodní část Staroměstské radnice a nový turistický provoz. Jeho součástí je turistické informační centrum, průvodcovské služby Guides&Tours a první kamenný obchod s kultivovanými suvenýry, na kterých Prague City Tourism spolupracuje výhradně s lokálními tvůrci. Nový provoz je symbolem celkové kultivace cestovního ruchu v metropoli a je v souladu s koncepcí cestovního ruchu.

Prague City Gallery as a welcome space for foreign visitors

23.1.2019 — Foreign visitors are a very important target group for Prague City Gallery. What can the Gallery offer them? Foreign visitors include individual tourists as well as group tours, school tours and students from abroad, and also guests that the gallery invites when cooperating with foreign institutions and on international projects. The main points of interest for foreign visitors are the architectural and historic Gallery buildings in the heart of the capital and the fascinating exhibitions. However, it is not only Prague City Gallery's exhibitions that make it the most accommodating institution, but also its educational work, and the smooth-running of the gallery.

During this year’s Prague Spirit Festival, you will not be alone

11.3.2019 — From the 15th to the 21st of March 2019, yoga enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in Prague to take part in the 9th Prague Spirit Festival. 'Novoměstská radnice' (The New Town Hall) hosts the main events. Yoga is about life, reality, pleasures and doubts. The motto of this year's annual festival, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic, is "You are not alone".


4.11.2021 —

Islands of musical discoveries in Karlín

30.5.2019 — From Friday, the 31st of May to Saturday, the 1st of June, the 16th United Islands of Prague festival will take place at Karlín, a popular location in Prague.

Prague sings: Hej mistře! (Hey Master!)

23.12.2018 — It is traditionally celebrated at midnight on Christmas Eve, in various locations in the Capital. 'Czech Christmas Mass', also known as Hej mistře! ('Hey Master!'), popularly called Rybovka, and in Latin Missa solemnis Festis Nativitatis D. J. Ch. acomodata in linguam bohemicam musicam, abriviated to Missa pastoralis bohemika, is a Czech religious composition written by Jakub Jan Ryba. It is the first written liturgical composition in Czech. Rybovka is a pastoral play set in Czechia that narrates the story of the Annunciation of Christ's birth and the arrival of shepherds to the manger in the stable. It was composed in 1796 and hand-written copies quickly spread throughout the Kingdom of Bohemia. The original score has not been preserved, and the versions that are played today are compiled based on critical analyses of the hand-written copies.

Where to go ice-skating in Prague?

14.12.2018 — The largest outdoor ice rink in Prague is in Letná. There is a standard (40x20 meter) rink + an additional separate children's area (10 x 15 meter) at your disposal. Letná piles on comforts offering a heated tent, skate rental and additional activities all free of charge. In the city centre and below the tower