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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 7945
Latvian dancers in Prague
9.3.2020 — X10 Theatre will feature the Latvian dance performance 'Labrys' on the 10th of March, as part of the 'Spectaculare' festival. Two million people live in Latvia, and it currently has nine professional, and at least two hundred amateur and semi-professional, theatre groups. Unfortunately, Latvian theatre is not often shown in the Czech Republic, so theatregoers, especially those interested in dance theatre, should not miss this opportunity.
Camp for homeless people in Troja
11.4.2020 — People experiencing homelessness that may have been infected with Covid-19 will be put into isolation in a temporary camp on Císařský Island in Troja, Prague, from the 9th of April. The capacity of the camp is 20 people, and there are separate areas for men and women, as well as all the necessary facilities. However, the camp will be able to fit up to 40 people if necessary.
Immovable cultural monuments
17.12.2012 —
Lavender field in Prague Botanical Garden – a ‘Czech Provence’
15.8.2020 — There are not many people who would resist the beauty of lavender. Prague Botanical Garden grows a great number of this medicinal plant species in its outdoor exhibition, including whole lavender field which makes you feel like you are in the beautiful region of Provence. Lavender grows primarily is the western Mediterranean, and the lavender fields in the southeast of France are a great tourist attraction.
The National Museum restores blue whale skeleton
25.4.2020 — The National Museum in Prague is working on a restoration of its largest collection item, the blue whale skeleton. Visitors will soon be able to see it online.
Biggest international floorball tournament comes to Prague
5.8.2019 — The international floorball tournament Czech Open 2019 will take place in thirteen halls across Prague from the 8th to the 11th of August. The tournament is not only for elite world teams, but also for amateur and junior teams. The 28th international floorball tournament is considered one of the largest and most prestigious in the world. The biggest stars regularly come to Prague for this event.
Christmas in Náprstek Museum
14.12.2019 — Once again, the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague will host their popular Christmas event for the whole family, 'Vánoce u Halánků' (Christmas in Halánků). The event will take place on the 15th of December.
TISKOVÉ ZPRÁVY: Hvězda afrického hip hopu K´NAAN 7.12. 2006 v Paláci Akropolis
23.10.2006 — Pozvánka na koncert RESPECT PLUS podzim 2006
9.8.2010 — Permanent exhibition
Land balance and registration of greenery - the register of lands and greenery
26.5.2006 — Informace z ročenky Praha životní prostředí 2005
Tenth annual Lunchmeat Festival in Prague
29.9.2019 — Lunchmeat Festival, an annual international festival dedicated to advanced electronic music and new media art, will take place between the 30th of September and the 5th of October. This year, the tenth annual audio-visual festival will take place in four venues.
Dear Praguers,
20.9.2012 — this beautiful Indian summer is so tempting for taking walks around the city. I recommend Prague Botanic Garden and Zoo.
Rare Chacoan peccary offspring in Prague Zoo mean hope for world breeding
16.6.2019 — At the beginning of May, two rare Chacoan peccary piglets (called Wagner's peccary in Czech from their scientific name Catagonus wagner) were born in Prague Zoo. Now visitors can see them with their parents in outside enclosure at the top of the zoo. This is a great zoological event: the Chacoan peccary has existed since prehistoric times and was only known from archaeological evidence until the 1970s.
V Praze proběhne v sobotu 5. ročník pochodu proti rakovině prsu
10.6.2005 — Střed Prahy bude tuto sobotu 11. června patřit lidem, kteří účastí v Růžovém pochodu proti rakovině prsu vyjádří, že nejsou lhostejní k této zákeřné chorobě. Jubilejní pátý ročník pětikilometrového humanitární pochodu se koná pod záštitou primátora hl. m. Prahy Pavla Béma a odstartuje ho v sobotu v pravé poledne na Hradčanském náměstí radní Pavel Klega.
Newly updated mobile application PID Lítačka makes travelling easier
9.12.2019 — Passengers in Prague and in the Central Bohemian Region can now travel using just their mobile phone within Prague Integrated Transport, thanks to the new update of PID Lítačka mobile application, which was released on trial operation since Monday, the 2nd of December 2019. This application now allows passengers to convert their purchased long-term coupons and download them to the mobile application.
World Wildlife Day in Prague Zoo
6.3.2020 — World Wildlife Day will be celebrated in Prague Zoo in Troja on Saturday the 7th of March. Although World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March, Prague Zoo is celebrating on the closest Saturday - the 7th of March. World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March because an important CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) meeting of representatives from 80 countries was held in the US on the 3rd of March 1973.
Visit Prague City Gallery exhibitions online
23.3.2020 — Art institutions, including Prague City Gallery, are adapting to the new situation and restrictions. The gallery is keeping in touch with its visitors online.
13.8.2010 —
Die Münchner Philharmoniker / Maazel / Jansen
16.5.2013 —
TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: BA CISSOKO v Paláci Akropolis 23.3.2006 v 19:30 hod.
13.3.2006 — Pozvánka na koncert 23. 3. 2006 v 19:30 hod.
JOSEF BOLF: You arn't You, You are I
6.1.2010 — 27/11, 2009 – 21/2, 2010
Festival ProART 2009
27.4.2009 — International Festival of Dance, Singing, Acting and Photography (workshops and performances).
Study in Prague
15.3.2017 —
Statistiky zdraví obyvatelstva - Hospitalizovaní podle příčin hospitalizace
10.5.2005 — informace z ročenky Praha ŽP 2004
Children’s fairy tale art is decorating the Ctěnice Chateau
13.2.2019 — The City of Prague Museum, in cooperation with the Free State of Saxony's liaison office in Prague, organised an exhibition of children's drawings with fairy tale themes in the Ctěnice Chateau complex. The exhibition will be open until the 17th March.
The National Museum has a unique new collection of Paleozoic fossils
31.1.2019 — The National Museum in Prague has one of the largest paleontological collections in Europe. Now, the collection has expanded with even more specimens. For last year's 200th anniversary, the Museum received a unique gift - a collection of fossils of Tertiary flora and fauna.
21.9.2011 — Meetings between a citizen and the relevant employee of Prague City Hall outside visiting times are usually held after prior arrangement during office hours.
Barrel-organists meet at the Czech Museum of Music
10.8.2020 — The 7th annual barrel-organ music festival, 'Flašinet žije', will take place in the historic heart of Prague on the 11th of August. Street artists from the Czech Republic and Slovakia will bring music and energy to three venues in the city centre. The barrel-organ music festival will commence at 10am with a concert in the church of St. Nicholas in the Old Town square. The beautiful baroque church will witness a barrel-organ performance of popular classical music pieces.
Mr. Benedikt Kotmel
8.11.2021 —
Kamil Lhoták – Retrospective
14.2.2018 — The Retro Gallery in Prague´s Municipal House prepared the largest retrospective exhibition of Kamil Lhoták´s paintings. They present her painter's work on a wide range of motifs and styles.
Fun new experiences at Runway Park
30.6.2020 — The whole family can enjoy Runway Park at Václav Havel Airport, opening on Saturday, the 4th of July. Visitors will have the opportunity to look behind the scenes in the airport while visiting the former runway No. 22, a part of the airport normally inaccessible to the public.
Statistics on the municipal waste sorting in Prague (1998-2005)
30.5.2006 — přeložený článek z české verze - Statistika třídění komunálního odpadu v Praze
Prague co-organises ICGAI Congress
28.2.2020 — Prague City Council has recently approved for the city of Prague to participate in the organisation of the 1st International Congress for the Governance of AI (ICGAI/ Prague 2020). The subject of the congress will be the regulation and ethics of artificial intelligence.
8.11.2021 —
27.3.2023 —
Boats that Sank on the Vltava without Loss of Life
17.4.2008 — River boats did not carry many passengers during the winter months. For the first time in 42 years boat services operated throughout the winter of 1991. The company that had been the sole provider of riverboat services on the Vltava, Dopravní Podnik Praha (Prague Public Transport Authority) once again under its original name Pražská Paroplavební Společnost (Prague Steamboat Company), now had to cope with competitors.
Press Release: P R A G U E B I E N N A L E 4
27.4.2009 —
The beauty of Antarctica at the New City Hall exhibition
25.7.2019 — Until the end of August, the exhibition Pure Antarctica (Čistá Antarktida) is taking place on the ground floor of the New City Hall on Mariánské Square.
PID Lítačka travel card extended by three years
29.1.2020 — PID Lítačka Prague city transport cards, which were first issued in 2016, are set to expire this year. However, the company ICT Operator and Prague City Hall decided to automatically extend the card validity by three years. Therefore, passengers whose cards were due to expire this year will be capable of travelling with Lítačka around Prague and Prague Central Bohemia until 2023.
Natural pools in Prague
29.6.2019 — Prague has a number of artificial and natural swimming areas, two of which are quite unique.
Jiří Sozanský: Skelets
1.6.2010 —
Statistics 2022
19.5.2022 — Statistics 2022
Grants 2024
23.10.2023 — PROGRAMME SUBSIDIES FOR 2024 BY PRAGUE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION No. 2244 OF 16 OCTOBER 2023, THE CITY OF PRAGUE HAS ANNOUNCED CITY OF PRAGUE SUBSIDIES FOR THE "TOURISM SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR 2024" The subsidies are intended for supporting congresses, conferences and other events held within the City of Prague in the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
26.5.2022 — Statistics 2023 (actualized data 08.02.2024)
National Holiday 28 October
13.10.2017 — The date 28 October represents an important day in the history of the Czech Republic. Czechoslovak independence was proclaimed on 28 October 1918.
YEARS IN DAYS – Czech art 1945-1957
9.8.2010 — Exhibition
Where one can dispose various types of waste
3.10.2011 — české stránky-Kam odložit různé druhy odpadu
Holešovice Station
10.4.2012 —
Dramatic stage reading on the square
30.5.2020 — Masopust theatre company has prepared a dramatic stage reading of 'The Resurrection and Death of Jesus' by the Norwegian author Fredrik Brattberg under Miloslav König's direction. The premiere will take place on Thursday, the 4th of June, in Na Zábradlí Theatre, when the actors will dramatically read from the theatre's windows for spectators in Anenské Square below. Miloslav König is a long-time member of Masopust theatre company. A former actor, he took over the role of artistic director this spring.
Statistics 2021
23.12.2021 — Statistics 2021
Akce pod záštitou primátora
8.2.2011 —
Akce pod záštitou primátora
8.2.2011 —