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Celkem záznamů: 3469
Praha dá zoologické zahradě 500 tisíc na gorilí workshop

3.2.2020 — Zoo Praha bude ve dnech 3. až 8. listopadu 2020 organizovat Mezinárodní gorilí workshop (International Gorilla Workshop) zaměřený na ochranu těchto kriticky ohrožených zvířat. Rada hl. m. Prahy dnes rozhodla o podpoře této akci ve výši 500 tisíc korun.

Tři otázky pro...

11.7.2013 — Pražský deník | 11.7.2013 | Rubrika: Z metropole | Strana: 3 | Autor: (kch) | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Václav Novotný

New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019

1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.

New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019

1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.

Bach v podání souboru Café Zimmermann

20.1.2022 — V pražském kostele sv. Šimona a Judy vystoupí v úterý 25. ledna od 19.30 hodin francouzský soubor Café Zimmermann.