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Celkem záznamů: 3469
Křest knihy „Obrázky z pekla“

8.4.2010 — Dnes odpoledne se v podzemních prostorách pražských kolektorů uskutečnil slavnostní křest knihy Josefa Kaliny a Petra Luska „Obrázky z pekla“ z prostředí automobilové Rallye Dakar 2010. Spolu s primátorem Pavlem Bémem knihu pokřtil náměstek primátora Pavel Klega a generální ředitel společnosti Kolektory Praha, a.s., Otakar Čapek.

Inscenace Bůh v Las Vegas přenese diváky do „města hříchu“

30.5.2024 — Divadlo Na zábradlí uvede 5. června poslední premiéru sezony – inscenaci Bůh v Las Vegas dramaturgicko-režisérská dvojice Petra Erbese a Borise Jedináka.

Jazz čtyř kontinentů 2024

6.8.2024 — V srpnu pokračuje v Jaz Docku letošní festival Jazz čtyř kontinentů.

What’s on for ‘čarodějnice’ (Saint Walpurgis Night) in Prague this year?

30.4.2019 — Originating from a pagan feast, 'pálení čarodějnic' or 'čarodějnice' for short, a Czech version of Saint Walpurgis Night, has become a folk custom and tradition.

Embark on a journey along the banks of the Nile

10.8.2019 — The Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures recently opened a new exhibition 'On the banks of the Nile' ('Na břehu Nilu' in Czech), showing visitors the history of ancient Egypt and Nubia.

Tea lovers meet at Vyšehrad

23.8.2019 — As in previous years, Čajomír Fest, the 11th annual international tea festival, will offer two days of tea tasting, food, workshops, children's activities, music, relaxation, pottery and much more. You can enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the festival on the 24th and 25th of August at Vyšehrad.

18th Century music rings out in Maisel Synagogue

20.11.2019 — The Maisel Synagogue in the Old Town is hosting a concert called "At the Prussian Court" on the 21st of November. The unique music by Ensemble Postillon, a young and talented band, will bring you to the court of Friedrich II in Berlin.

Czech Nature Photo Exhibition displays the best wildlife photography

23.5.2020 — You have the opportunity to admire award-winning and selected photos from the Czech Nature Photo 2020 competition until the 28th of June. The Czech Nature Photo 2020 exhibition, which exhibits the best nature images by photographers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, takes place in the Czech Photo Centre, 4 Seydlerova Street, Prague 5 - Nové Butovice.