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Informace k volbám do Senátu Parlamentu České republiky 2024

19.9.2024 — V roce 2024 se volby do Senátu konají v jedné třetině volebních obvodů. V hlavním městě jsou to čtyři volební obvody.

Pozvánka na výstavu: Jan Podlipný, sokol a starosta Belle Époque

1.7.2024 — U příležitosti XVII. všesokolského sletu, který se v metropoli koná od 30. června až do 7. července 2024, se mimo tradičních pódiových vystoupení a hromadných skladeb pořádá také pestrý doprovodný kulturní program zahrnující i tematické výstavy.

What is The City of Prague Museum offering in 2019?

1.2.2019 — Over the course of the year, The City of Prague Museum is preparing a total of six exhibitions. These exhibitions will show Prague past, with interesting historical crafts, as well as present-day Prague, with photographs by a well-known photographer. The museum has permanent displays, such as the archaeological collection in the main building, which is the museum's biggest collection and mostly comes from the museum's archaeological research. Collections of applied art are also valuable, including a high-quality collection of graphics. The most valuable part of this collection is the vedute, which are views of Prague, including its squares, individual street, important buildings, emerging suburbs and natural surroundings outside the city's baroque fortifications. Visitors can also admire these views in Langweil's model of Prague, which contains more than 2,000 buildings on a 1:480 scale, with all the fine details of facades, courtyards, gardens and farm outhouses belonging to buildings. In the case of many demolished historical buildings, Langweil's model of Prague is the only physical record of their appearance.

Kampus Hybernská představí unikátní projekt Moje boty, tvoje boty

26.2.2024 — Mezigenerační dialog zkoumající emoční odkaz několika ženských rodů představí originální výstava symbolicky nazvaná Moje boty, tvoje boty, která bude od 2. března až do 19. května 2024 k vidění v Kampusu Hybernská.

Buskers will fill the streets of Prague

23.6.2020 — Prague Music Festival ('Praha Žije Hudbou') will take place between the 25th and 27th of June. 150 musicians will take part in the fifth year of the street art festival, playing in the streets, squares and parks of Prague. Do you appreciate live music in the streets? Are you familiar with the feeling of listening to a great band in the city centre with your friends and family, enjoying an unforgettable evening? This is what Prague Music Festival is all about.