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Celkem záznamů: 54945
Do not miss the exhibition of state gifts in the Senate

24.3.2019 — In the 'Mytologická chodba' (Mythological Corridor) of the 'Valdštejnský palác' (Wallenstein Palace), which is the seat of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, there is a unique exhibition of gifts that Senators have received from foreign delegations over the past twenty years. Gift exchanges are a traditional part of meetings of state officials with delegations from abroad. This diplomatic protocol was applied in Antiquity and its first written record is from the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

Popmuseum tells the history of musical co-operation between Czech and Slovak artists

14.1.2019 — Until the end of February, you can visit an exhibition about the history of 'Czecho-Slovakian' music in Popmuseum, a museum and archive of popular music. The country of Czechoslovakia existed under different names from the Declaration of Independence on the 28th October 1918 to its peaceful dissolution on the 1st of January 1993. However, the music scenes of the two countries stayed closely linked even after the common republic ceased to exist and that is why the exhibition rightly celebrates the hundred years of this 'musical relationship' of Czech and Slovaks. A permanent exhibition is located in the Cultural Centre Kaštan in Břevnov, featuring musical instruments, particularly electric guitars of Czechoslovak production and selected keyboard instruments used in former Czechoslovakia. Furthermore, there is an archive of sheet music and recordings that is available to researchers.

The guitarist Enver İzmaylov will perform at the Jazz club ‘U Staré paní’

23.2.2019 — As part of the Jazz Meets World Festival, Enver İzmaylov, master guitar player, will perform on the 26th of February 2019 in the club 'U Staré paní'. İzmaylov is renowned for his unique playing technique and instrument tuning. He is of Tartar origin and was born in 1955 in Fergana, in the former Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, to a Crimean-Tatar family. His family was deported to Uzbekistan from Crimea, where the guitarist returned in 1989.

Bezpečná míra zadlužení Prahy? 60 miliard korun, říká náměstek primátora Vyhnánek

26.2.2019 — Zdroj: prazskypatriot.cz | Kategorie: Regionální zprávy Vydavatel: Pražský Patriot s. r. o. Autor: Jan Puci, wdf@wdf.cz Rubrika: Pražská Politika 26. února 2019, 15:51

09212004-článek-MUDr. Pavel Bém, primátor hl. m. Prahy-Listy hl. m. Prahy-Úvodník

22.9.2004 — Na pražském magistrátu jsme pracovali na tom, abychom začátkem nového školního roku mohli nabídnout obyvatelům i návštěvníkům Prahy mnoho novinek. Jednou z nich je také nová tvář radničního periodika Listů hl. m. Prahy. Důvodem změn je naše snaha zlepšit informovanost a spolupráci vás, Pražanů, s námi, kteří se mají starat o váš co nejlepší život v hlavním městě. Doufáme, že nové Listy vám budou příjemným společníkem a užitečným průvodcem po naší na události i změny bohaté metropoli.

Odpůrci jsou sobečtí

21.3.2008 — Pražský deník | 21.3.2008 | rubrika: Z metropole - téma deníku | strana: 4 | autor: JAN PUCI