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Celkem záznamů: 1677
The first aerial sports championship in the Czech Republic

25.10.2019 — The first official aerial sports championships in the Czech Republic and Slovakia will begin in Prague. You can come and see the elegant sport, where acrobats dance in the air with the aid of scarves, on the 26th of October in Královské Vinohrady. Aerobics and fitness are not as popular as adrenaline-filled sports. However, aerial acrobatics has recently experienced a great boom. And it's not just about the competition. Like any sport, aerial dancing can be practiced for fun.

Municipal Library of Prague opens to the public!

8.5.2020 — Selected branches of the Municipal Library of Prague opened to the public on Tuesday the 5th of May. However, health and safety measure must still be followed. Despite the government's decision to allow public libraries to open from the 27th of April, some libraries, such as the Municipal Library of Prague, were surprised by this decision and were not ready to open so soon.

Materiály a jejich využití byly vždy jedním z klíčových témat ekologické výchovy, mění se však pohled na to, jak s tématem pracovat.

17.3.2022 — Materiály a jejich využití byly vždy v hledáčku a jedním z klíčových témat ekologické výchovy, snad pro jejich fyzickou podstatu, uchopitelnost a blízkost v našem každodenním životě. Mění se však pohled na to, jak s tématem pracovat. Důležitější než to, jak odpady třídit, je, aby odpady vůbec nevznikly, tedy předcházet jejich vzniku. K tomu patří také recyklace a upcyklace, kdy dáváme věcem druhou šanci. Praha si v lednu tohoto roku schválila strategii cirkulární ekonomiky. Metropole se tak touto strategií hlásí k principům oběhového hospodářství a k průběžnému snižování své ekologické a uhlíkové stopy.

Masks for Prague

25.3.2020 — The lack of face masks in Prague has led to a huge wave of solidarity, as people make marks at home and give them to their fellow citizens. However, masks must be sterilised and effectively distributed.

The 14th RefuFest invites you to meet people from other cultures

26.9.2019 — RefuFest is a festival that creates space for people from all over the world to meet and express solidarity with refugees. Discover other cultures thanks to music, dance, theatre and other forms of cultural expression. The festival will take place in Invalidovna in Karlín in Prague on the 27th and 28th of September, while Thursday the 27th of September is reserved for schools.

Prague Improvisation Orchestra’s experimental project in Fair Trade Palace in Prague

23.11.2019 — The event will include many musicians, microphones, speakers, and tape recorders, and spectators will be able to move freely among them. The project will resemble a live installation.

Priorities of Foreign Policy

21.6.2007 — In the international context, Prague is a European city; the maintenance and development of this position requires continuing care and focused international and internal effort.