Prague Zoo needs your help

Even without visitors, life goes on in the zoo. However, it is difficult for the zoo to keep running without the significant income from entrance tickets. How can we help? One of the options is a virtual adoption. This year, you can adopt even a baby elephant!

Over sixty baby animals of almost thirty species were born in Prague Zoo during the closure. However, no visitors have been able to come to see them. At least you can see some of them on the zoo's YouTube channel.


The lively baby elephant

Some of the most popular videos show the new star in the zoo, a female Asian elephant. She was born to Tamara on the 27th of March and weighed 92 kilograms at the time of birth. She and her mother are already outside enjoying the sun, and she has met her father Aknhor through the bars of the enclosure.

Prague Zoo is also expecting another baby elephant from the elephant Janita, who is also pregnant.


How can you help?

Elephant calves normally attract a great number of visitors. However, the zoo is currently losing a lot of money on admission fees. According to Miroslav Bobek, the zoo director, the zoo is not interested in organising a collection. Given the nature of the work, volunteering is also not an option. Still, it is possible to contribute by sponsoring or adopting one of the baby animals described as “emergencies”.

Every animal in the zoo is evaluated according to the annual cost of feeding and caring for the animal, which differs between various species. In order to virtually adopt the animal, adoptive parents need to give an annual contribution, which is listed for each species.  For sponsors, it is enough to pay a minimum of 100 CZK. Corporate donors may be interested in becoming a ‘breeding partner’, where donation value is 100 000 CZK.

For further information, please visit the zoo’s website at:

17. dubna 2020
17. dubna 2020