Special admission to the National Technical Museum

As part of its hundredth anniversary celebrations, the National Technical Museum is offering reductions on admission prices on Thursday, the 5th of July. The museum is the largest Czech institution that specialises in technical collections, and it was founded on the 5th of July 1908 as the Technical Museum of the Bohemian Kingdom. Currently, its collections are in 14 permanent exhibitions and a number of temporary exhibitions.


Technical paradise

There are approximately 6,000 items displayed in the exhibitions. However, the museum possesses up to 70,000 items that document the development of science and technology in the Czech Republic. They are kept in several depositories, and other objects are exhibited in the museum's temporary exhibits. It also has a specialised library and archive for specialists and it organises a number of accompanying programmes and educational activities, especially for elementary and secondary schools.


Cultural monuments

You can find many important items on display, including nine items from the National Cultural Heritage list.

The oldest car, NW Präsident, President T. G. Masaryk’s Tatra 80, is a truly unique exhibit. Other, equally important exhibits include the famous Tatra 87 which belonged to the travellers Hanzelka and Zikmund, the steam locomotive Kladno from 1855, the locomotive 387.007, Emperor Franz Joseph’s saloon railway car, the Kašpar JK airplane, and three international military aircrafts from World War I.


Architect of the completion of St. Vitus Cathedral

The National Technical Museum truly has a lot to offer. One of the points of interest is the new exhibition, ‘Kamil Hilbert, architect, 1869-1933’ in the exposition ‘Architecture, Construction and Design’. As the title suggests, the project is dedicated to the architect Kamil Hilbert, for the 150th anniversary of his birth and the 120th anniversary of his appointment as the architect of the completion of St. Vitus Cathedral. The director of Architecture and Building of NTM, Dr.Martin Ebel says, “We owe Hilbert for today’s silhouette of both the cathedral and of the entire Hradčany. He did not go with the long intended and promoted Neo-Gothic top of the main tower, but left the late Baroque ‘helmet’. The architect’s choice proved very fortunate.”


For more information, please visit http://www.ntm.cz/en

30. června 2019
30. června 2019