‘The Mad Hercules’ and ‘Greta’ on Štvanice Island

The VILA Štvanice Theatre has opened its outdoor summer venue, with the biggest stage located under the arch of the Hlávkův Bridge overlooking the park. The summer stage programme will include open-air theatre plays, concerts and movie screenings. The bridge's arch offers a shelter, so even bad weather cannot spoil the show!

There are actually three venues in Štvanice on the western tip of the island. The largest of them, the ‘Pod Mostem’ (‘Under the Bridge’) stage can seat up to 200 spectators. Apart from providing shelter from bad weather, it has a better lighting and acoustics than the two unsheltered stages. The other two open-air stages ‘U zahrady’ and ‘Pod kaštany’ will provide space for more intimate theatrical productions, as well as LETÍ ensemble’s popular garden party, ‘Večeře s novou hrou’ (‘Dinner with a New Play’), where theatre goers enjoy a three course dinner while watching four short theatre performances.


The Mad Hercules under the bridge

‘Hercules furens’ (‘The Mad Hercules’) is a play by Seneca the Younger. It suits the space under the Hlávkův Bridge, where the Czech premiere will be performed on the 31st of July, well. Hercules is a hero, admired for defeating monsters and allowing human civilization to grow. According to Tomáš Loužný, the director, the bridge itself and the view it offers emphasise the understanding of Hercules as a civilization hero.


Greta, a theatre star

LETÍ theatre ensemble will premiere Marián Amsler’s original play ‘Greta’ on the Štvanice Summer Stage on the 7th of July. The plot brings us to the year 2028, where the EU has become a PR agency and Earth is on the verge of ecological collapse. LETÍ is an ensemble of independent theatre with a passion for new plays.

Further information can be found at: https://vilastvanice.cz/. Webpage is in Czech.

6. července 2020
6. července 2020