18th Century music rings out in Maisel Synagogue

The Maisel Synagogue in the Old Town is hosting a concert called "At the Prussian Court" on the 21st of November. The unique music by Ensemble Postillon, a young and talented band, will bring you to the court of Friedrich II in Berlin.

The synagogue on Maiselova Street in Prague’s Josefov quarter is one of the Jewish Museum’s four synagogues. The museum exhibits the most valuable exhibits from its collections there.

The Maisel Synagogue becomes a concert hall in the evening. Thanks to top-class musicians from the Czech Republic and abroad, the chamber concerts in the Maisel Synagogue are some of the best musical events in the Old Town.


Ensemble Postillon in the Prussian court

The four musicians who make up Ensemble Postillon met during their studies and on the current music scene in Frankfurt am Main. Their common passion for interpreting old music, mainly from the Berlin court of Friedrich II, unites them.

The four musicians, who are all from different countries, are Petra Václavíková who plays baroque oboe and fipple flute, Hsu-Mo Chienon baroque violin, Sophie-Justine Herr on baroque cello, and Hwa-Jeong Lee who plays the harpsichord.

For the concert in Prague, the group prepared works that have almost been forgotten, by the German composer Johann Gottlieb Janitsch (1708–1763), Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach (1714–1788) and other composers from the late Baroque and early Classic period.


For further information, please visit: https://www.jewishmuseum.cz/en/info/visit/.

20. listopadu 2019
20. listopadu 2019