Nature trail "Oborou Hvězda", information board No.4 - Birds in the Game-Preserve

Information board No.4 -  Birds in the Game-Preserve

( Czech version Ptáci v oboře - informace v českém jazyce)

Compared to the surrounding areas, Hvězda game-preserve represents an environment that is of special value from the point of view of nature. Nevertheless, significant anthropogenic pressure is asserted on the premises of the game-preserve as well, and it is possible to say that it was the same in the past. Let us remember the utilization of Hvězda for military camping, for different mass events, e.g. sports today, everyday utilization of Hvězda for loose running of dogs, social events associated with vehicles entering the pleasure house, localization of playgrounds within the game-preserve, and last but not least, massive utilization of mechanization in nearly every-day gardening and occasional forestry work.

Nevertheless, compared to the surrounding urban development, Hvězda represents shelter for many animals, especially birds. For example, around 40 old trees were selected at Hvězda in 2002 to be left in place up until complete decay. They are mostly nesting trees, suitable for the nesting of cavity-species of birds. A positive aspect about Hvězda is the fact that it is surrounded by old developments with gardens, and there are several objects that have been abandoned for years. On the contrary, intensive multi-storey construction changes the natural character of the place, decreasing the surrounding biodiversity.

Overall, there are 46 species of birds at Hvězda, out of which:
The number of permanent species 22
The number of wandering species 6
The number of migrating species 18
The number of species according to the type of nesting (Note: there are some species that may be nesting in two different ways):
Species nesting in the tree cavities 13
Species nesting in the undergrowth and bushes 12
Species nesting in the tree tops 15
Species nesting on the ground 6
Species nesting within buildings 6

According to the biotopes, the birds colonizing woods and gardens are represented in a majority, with one species bound to water biotope (wild duck). Some species of birds do not nest in the game-preserve, yet they do occur quite regularly in certain parts of the game-preserve in specific periods: e.g. rook, crow or jackdaw. The following list of species in pictures is not complete, yet it depicts species you may encounter on a regular basis in the game-preserve.

Nature trail "Oborou Hvězda":

  1. The History of the Game-Preserve
  2. Old Oak Growths
  3. Hvězda and its Surroundings
  4. Birds in the Game-Preserve (Ptáci v oboře - informace v českém jazyce)
  5. The Pleasure House
  6. Personalities in the History of Hvězda
  7. Natura 2000 and wetland
  8. Beech-Wood under the Pleasure House
  9. Water in the Game-Preserve
  10. The Geology of Hvězda Game-Preserve
  11. The Battle of Bílá Hora
  12. Hvězda Game-Preserve and Hunting
  13. Animals in the Game-Preserve
  14. Forest Renewal
15. září 2016
15. září 2016