Enjoy the quarantine with online tours and entertainment

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, you do not currently have the opportunity to visit exhibitions and museums in the Czech capital; however, you can still enjoy online tours and art from the comfort of your own home. For example, the City of Prague Museum is offering online exhibitions and tutorials for children.

The City of Prague Museum presents several possibilities for spending quality time at home. Moreover, virtual tours and exhibitions are not new, but have been available for several years.


From a Thread to a Shirt

For example, the virtual exhibition ‘From a Thread to a Shirt / Textile and Fashion of Prague Residents in the Middle Ages’ introduces medieval textiles and dye crafts in the 14th and 15th century.

“The digital exhibition is made up of fourteen views that allow you to move through the House at the Golden Ring, and by clicking on interactive icons, you can expand your experience and learn valuable information,” the curators said.

The exhibition includes explanations of the origins of textiles and their production, and shows how textiles were woven and dyed. Different varieties of textiles, their functions and fashion in the New Town of Prague in the High Middle Ages will also be presented as part of the exhibition.


‘The History of Floods in Prague’

“This is a unique opportunity to visit the exhibition of the history of flooding in Prague and its impact on city life over hundreds of years, including the most recent flood in 2013,” the virtual exhibition curators said.

‘The History of Floods in Prague’ reminds visitors of significant floods in the Czech capital with incredibly rich visual material. The exhibition includes records of the oldest flood in 1118, as well as graphic prints of the damage to Charles Bridge from 1784.

A large space is devoted to the oldest photos of the 1872 and 1890 floods, and extensive pictorial documentation of the flood of 1940 is also presented. This flood, although also very destructive, is not often remembered.


For children at home

If your children enjoy being creative, you can visit the museum website and download a colouring book and cut-outs. New ideas are added every Wednesday.


For further information, please visit: http://en.muzeumprahy.cz/.

23. března 2020
23. března 2020