Prague Folklore Days will brighten the Prague summer

From the 18th to the 21st of July, the fourteenth international meeting of amateur folklore groups will take place in the centre of Prague, bringing the richness and beauty of folk art from all over the world.

National costumes, folk songs, sayings, verbal expressions, ceramics, decoration of original dwellings … folklore is all this and much more. Folklore is an important part of Czech culture and has a long tradition in the Czech Republic. Come to discover and admire folklore from all around the world that is gathering in the heart of Prague.


Prague Folklore Days

Do you think that folklore is boring and dull? Prague Folklore Days proves otherwise. Singing, music and dancing are universal languages that create understanding where words are not enough. As in previous years, you will enjoy a varied show this year, with almost 50 dance ensembles from 20 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia taking part in the event. In total, more than a thousand singers, dancers and musicians will perform during the festival.


Horns and bells

Visitors will listen to Estonian, Latvian and German folk songs. The Swiss bands Trachtengruppe Buochs ​​and Trachtengruppe Ballwil will come to Prague, with musicians playing the alpine horn. Once again, there will be the sound cow bells in the streets of Prague.


Dance and dance again

Nevertheless, dancing is the most important part of the festival and there is a diverse range of performances on the programme. For example, you will see the traditional Schuhplattler from Austria, a pantomime dance where the performers stamp, clap and hit the soles of their shoes. The Spanish ensemble Txorimaloak will perform folk dances with music, using various objects, such as rods, swords, pipes and handkerchiefs. This year's participation of dancers from Latvia, whose dances are based on traditional agricultural life, is also significant. Grupo de Vale de Milhaços from Portugal will also make Prague’s squares come alive.


Rich costumes

The whirls of richly decorated folk costumes will be breath-taking. These costumes were traditionally worn for all sorts of occasions, including going to the market. There were various types of costumes, including those for the rich; ploughman’s, shepherd’s and hunter’s clothing; as well as outfits for special occasions. And the costumes at the festival are often original ones that have been passed down from generation to generation.

The festival will conclude with a parade of all the groups through the Old Town on Saturday. Prague Folklore Days will enrich the summer cultural programme in the Czech capital city once again.


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16. července 2019
16. července 2019