Individual Targetted Subsidies

As of 31 October 2016, the City of Prague partnership programme for the organisation of events in the field of culture and tourism has been terminated.

EFFECTIVE 1 NOVEMBER 2016, Prague City Council, with Resolution No. 2712 of 1 November 2016, has revoked the City of Prague Principles of Partnership for Organising Events in the Field of Culture and Tourism, which were approved by Prague City Council Resolution No. 2253 of 18 December 2012.

Starting 1 November 2016, support for events in the field of culture and tourism is to be provided by the City of Prague through the applicable grant (subsidy) programmes (see section Grants).

In justified cases it is possible to apply for support in the form of Individual Targetted Subsidies as per Section 10a (2) and (3) of Act No. 250/2000 Coll., on the budgetary rules of territorial budgets, as amended.

 Detailed information and the requisite application forms (in Czech) are available on: